Sunday, September 12, 2010


Things I'm grateful for this weekend:
1. Generosity and support: Big thank you to MACRON MUSIC of the Central Coast for their donation of two guitars for the Save the Kimberley guitar project.
2. Helpfulness: from the friendly man at Bunnings who gave me tips on finishing the guitars.
3. Time: to paint, to enjoy the sun, to talk with friends, to smile.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Save the Kimberley Guitar Project

We are teaming up with the Save the Kimberley crew to help support and raise awareness of this issue. We will be painting guitars and having these signed by the John Butler Trio and Blue King Brown who are currently touring Australia. These artists create "conscience music". They demonstrate a passion for raising awareness and taking action against the atrocities of our government's greed for wealth and power.
We met with JBT and BKB last night after their amazing show in Newcastle. We are so very pleased to have their full support for our guitar project and look forward to seeing the great things we can achieve through the collective of passionate beings who have the courage to stand for what is right!
Here is a quick sneak peek at the design for the Blue King Brown guitar (artwork appropriated from Worldwize -used with permission from Natalie Pa'apa'a and Carlo Santone)

Some words from BKB's "Worldwize"
This music is about life, its about the people and this planet, the world we live in today, the challenges that prepare us, the history that inspires us to change, the battles that surround us, and the victories that wait for us, this era that demands our ATTENTION, and the training of our minds to be MIGHTY, informed, in touch...

and here is the design for the JBT guitar: Boab trees representing the bounty of the Kimberley.

some words from JBT's "Revolution"
Big heavy pirates man digging those holes, messing with something that they can't control
Trespassing lands where they don't belong, all I hear is screaming where there once was songs...

The threat to the country, the culture, the song lines, the pristine environment is not something to be ignored! Check out and be informed about how our government has plans for compulsory acquisition of the land. Take a stand! Make a fuss! Our government speaks of "moving forward" let's not move backwards into colonialisation, theft and invasion.

About Save The Kimberley

This website has been put together by the “Save The Kimberley” group (Formerly known as CHEAK: Cultural, Heritage and Environmental Advocacy for the Kimberley). We are an independent awareness organisation and have been established to:

The next generation making their views known in Broome

Two of 400 protestors who attended the December 12, 2008 Anti Gas Hub Rally in Broome. Press image for enlargement.

  1. Educate the Australian and international community about the threat to the Kimberley Coast and its inland wilderness areas posed by multi-billion dollar gas and large-scale industrial development proposals.
  2. Engage support to ensure that the Kimberley is protected for the enjoyment of current and future generations.
  3. Produce educational material about the impacts of the proposed developments.
  4. Disseminate information about the Kimberley’s globally unique cultural importance and the threats created by uncontrolled development.
  5. Save the Kimberley does not oppose development. Save the Kimberley supports appropriate development that looks after people and the environment of the Kimberley.

For more information go to: