"In nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed," (Jean Renoir).Things just are. We just are. Molded, altered, changed by our experiences.
As artists we tend to discuss our works or our processes as acts of creation. It is accepted that our role is to create or produce artworks. Consider though, that nothing is created, that in fact our job as artists is to alter, change and transform the material and media we work with. For example, when working on a painting, does an artist create an artwork? or does an artist transform the paint, alter its original state, change its form? The paint is still paint. Through the experience, talent and ideas of the artist the paint is applied in a new manner, its meaning changes, it is molded and altered. The paint is not created, the paint is not lost, the paint is transformed. By saying this, I'm not intending to devalue or undermine the creativity or imagination of the artist, rather arguing that the role of the artist is not solely to create: it is to change.
More broadly, I like to think that the challenge of the artist is to seek change, to question the state of being.
So, the artworks I present to you here, are not my creations. They are works in progress. They are transformations of ideas and materials. I hope that you will see change in my works, that nothing of myself or my ideas will be lost, rather that they become altered and transformed through experience and change.